Cherry Tree - Stella

from $65.00

🍒 Sweet, Juicy Cherries Galore! 🍒🇨🇦

  • Bloom Time - Spring

  • Ripens Mid-June

  • Self Pollinating, but benefits from another cultivar for more prolific fruit production

  • Zone: 5

Option available: Bare Root

Get ready to rejoice, fruit lovers! 🎉 This cherry tree is a winner, producing plump, bold-red cherries that are as delicious as they are beautiful. 😍 Imagine abundant crops of heart-shaped fruit, perfect for fresh snacks right off the tree! 😋

But the goodness doesn't stop there! These versatile cherries are also fantastic for canning, freezing, and drying. ❄️ Enjoy the taste of summer all year round! Plus, this hardy tree resists cracking and is moderately disease-resistant, making it a reliable addition to your garden. 💪

Developed in Summerland, British Columbia, and introduced in 1968, this cherry variety is a true Canadian gem. 🇨🇦 It ripens in June and is even self-pollinating! 🌸

That means you'll get a bountiful harvest even if you only have one tree. Don't miss out on these sweet and productive cherries. Plant yours today! 🍒🌳

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