Ruby-Red Horse Chestnut - Aesculus carnea 'Briotii'

from $245.00

❤️ Ruby-Red Horsechestnut ❤️

  • COLOUR: Red

  • HEIGHT: 10-12m

  • WIDTH:10-12m

  • Bloom Time: MidSpring

  • Zone: 4

Introducing a truly stunning tree that will add a touch of grandeur to your landscape: This majestic tree boasts an upright, oval, rounded crown.

🌸 A Springtime Spectacle: Before even a single leaf appears, this tree bursts into life with large, sticky buds that are a deep, rich brown. 🌼 These buds give way to vibrant green compound leaves, each adorned with 7 spreading oblong leaflets. 🌿

🔥 A Fiery Fall Display: As the seasons change, this tree transforms into a breathtaking display of large, upright, showy red flower panicles. 🔥 It's a sight that will surely be the talk of the neighborhood.

🍂 A Touch of Autumn Charm: While the fall colors may be more subdued, consisting of undistinguished shades of yellow and brown, this tree still offers a touch of autumn charm. 🍂

Why Choose This Majestic Tree?

  • 🌱 Upright, oval, rounded crown, perfect for parks and large lawns.

  • 🌸 Large, sticky buds that emerge before the leaves.

  • 🌿 Vibrant green compound leaves with 7 spreading oblong leaflets.

  • 🔥 Large, upright, showy red flower panicles.

  • 🍂 Subdued fall colors in shades of yellow and brown.

Don't miss out! Add this exceptional tree to your landscape today and enjoy its beauty for years to come!

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